Sunday, May 15, 2011

Purifying Oil- Day 1and 2- Blog post #8

            On day 1 of purifying the oil we left off on where we were to leave the bottle upside down and let the densities separate. After they separated there was a lot of gunk at the top of the bottle because the bottle was upside down.
           First thing we did was that we were to have a partner hold  the bottle over a bucket and squeeze the gunk out of the bottle while the other person was to plug the bottle and stop any oil from coming out.
after this process leave the bottle standing right up, so that it could separate any leftover gunk.
          On day 2 we had to pour all of our oil into a beaker and any leftover gunk would be poured into the bucket of gunk. We took all the beakers and poured it all into one or two buckets.


  1. My class did the exact same thing we had to get the junk out of the plastic bottle. It was gross! I think the process was very useful and it worked!
