Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hypthesis on How to Clean Oil, Materials, and Steps on How to Filter the Oil- Post #3

If I filter the oil using the cheese cloth, then any food paticles, in the oil, will be removed.

-Cheese Cloth
-Rubber Bands
-Paint Filter
-Hot Plates

Steps on How to filter Oils
Step 1- Gather all Oils that are to be used.
Step 2- Pour oil through funnel with a cheese cloth at the bottom. The cloth is a cloth that has wholes big enough for liquids to pass by, but not big enough for solid particles. A paint filter will be attatched to a bucket with a rubber band. The paint will filter any more solid particles.While the oil pours through the filter it will pour into a bucket.
Step 3- Once the bucket is filled with oil, place the oil onto a hot plate and the hot plate will heat the oil and it wil be completely filtered.
Step 4- Let the oil settle down and you have your oil.


  1. I like your hypothesis because that is the same one we used and it seemed to work very well except for the cheese cloth. Did the cheese cloth work for you because that was not the case with our class. We had to use all the paint filets for it though

  2. Your hypothesis seemed good and that it will work. What is the difference between a paint filter and a cheese cloth?
