Monday, May 2, 2011

Key points in Project and Recommended Oil Cleaning Method- Post #2

Key Points in Project:
        There are many Key Points in the project. The first point is collecting the used kitchen oil. Second
is to filter the oil to remove any solid particles. Thirdly is to perform titriation to determine how much catalyst is needed. Fourth is to prepare sodium methoxide. Next is to heat the used oil while mixing in the sodium methoxide. Afterward is to remove any glycerine and allow to settle. Finally is to check the quality of your biodiesel.

Recommended Oil CLeaning Method:
        First you have to gather al of your used oils. Remove all the solid food paticles by filtering it. Afterward you have to get the 15 liters of oil and put it into a 5 gallon jug. Then heat the oil at 100 degrees, while putting it in a steel pot on a camp stove. Then you have your purified oil.



  1. This process sounds effective, however it seems that it would take days to complete. Is there any way to complete this method quicker? And, what is glycerine? Will this procedure be safe for us?

  2. This proceedure sounds good but the time would be a problem. If you take all the food particles by hand it would take forever. What would be a good filter to get the particles out of the oil faster?

  3. link to back up what you are saying?

  4. Your information looks good and looks like you researched a lot. The way you want to clean the oil looks very effective and useful. It would definitely work to clean the oil. But it seems it will take a while. Maybe use this website for another way to clean oil The only question i have is what is sodium methoxide?
