Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Purifying the Oil- Blog post #7

Materials used to purify oil:
-12 grams sodium hydroxide
-250mL methanol
-1L used cooking oil

          Today in class we purified the oil using sodium hydroxide, methanol, and used cooking oil. The work was very hard, but for the most part it was fun.There were groups that we were divided into. One group had to pour the perfect amount of oil into a plastic bottle. The other group was to measure the sodium hydroxide (lye).

        After the groups did their jobs the project really started. First we were to pour the lye into a jar full of water. When we poured all of the lye ,that was given to each individual, we were to shake until it dissolved completely. When it dissolved completely we were to give it to our instructor to put in it inside our bottle. Then we were to shake the bottle six time slowly. When we fnished we put the bottle upside down with the head of the bottle inside a beaker and let it settle.

1 comment:

  1. We did the exact same thing in my class! i think this process worked really well and wasn't hard to do. Did you notice when the jar got hot while you were shaking it and why?
