Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sucess on the Project!!!!!- Blog post #10

           Today in class we put all of our finished bio-diesel into a bus. After 1 month of smells and messes we finally finished. When all of the oil was put in they started the bus. The grade for this project was a lab grade . If the bus did not start we would get a 0. If the bus started then we get a 100. All or nothing. The bus driver went in and started the bus. The sound was like a miracle. We got a 100.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Getting close to finishing?- Blog post # 9

            Today in class today we had to repeat the process of mixing the sodium hydroxide with the oil.
Sadly there was not any sodium hydroxide for my class to use so all we could do today was to give everyone an equal amount of oil and washing the beakers.
           We are getting close to moving the bus. The only thing we need is more purified oil. The way to test if we're getting close is to compare the bio-diesel with actual diesel.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Purifying Oil- Day 1and 2- Blog post #8

            On day 1 of purifying the oil we left off on where we were to leave the bottle upside down and let the densities separate. After they separated there was a lot of gunk at the top of the bottle because the bottle was upside down.
           First thing we did was that we were to have a partner hold  the bottle over a bucket and squeeze the gunk out of the bottle while the other person was to plug the bottle and stop any oil from coming out.
after this process leave the bottle standing right up, so that it could separate any leftover gunk.
          On day 2 we had to pour all of our oil into a beaker and any leftover gunk would be poured into the bucket of gunk. We took all the beakers and poured it all into one or two buckets.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Purifying the Oil- Blog post #7

Materials used to purify oil:
-12 grams sodium hydroxide
-250mL methanol
-1L used cooking oil

          Today in class we purified the oil using sodium hydroxide, methanol, and used cooking oil. The work was very hard, but for the most part it was fun.There were groups that we were divided into. One group had to pour the perfect amount of oil into a plastic bottle. The other group was to measure the sodium hydroxide (lye).

        After the groups did their jobs the project really started. First we were to pour the lye into a jar full of water. When we poured all of the lye ,that was given to each individual, we were to shake until it dissolved completely. When it dissolved completely we were to give it to our instructor to put in it inside our bottle. Then we were to shake the bottle six time slowly. When we fnished we put the bottle upside down with the head of the bottle inside a beaker and let it settle.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Biodiesel Engine Explanation- Post #6

The Piston transfer force from expanding gas in the cylinder via a piston and/or connecting rod.             
The Spark plug ignites compressed fuels by means of an electric spark.
The Valve guides the plug portion by sliding through the valve guide.
The connecting rod connects the piston to the crank.
The Crankshaft powers the machine.
Exhaust Crankshaft take all the extra exhaust.
Intake Crankshaft takes in the intake.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 2 in Biodiesel Project- Blog #5

      In day 2 of the biodiesel project I had, once again had to clean buckets, filters, mini pools and a barrel. That was a very tough day for me, but luckly i wasn't alone. I had about 4 people help me.
     The one thing that did not work about today was that having alot of people in one group would mean there are a few slackers.
    If I could cange one thing then I would change the people in each group.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Start of the Project- Post #4

               Today was the first day of the biodiesel project. Today we were to create a way on how to purify the kitchen oils. First thing we did was sit down and create a plan that revolves around the materials we have. We came up that we should first gather the oil. Second place the paint filter on an empty bucket. Then we pur out the oil into the bucket with the filter and all the solid particles will be left behind. Afterwards we repeat until there is nothing left, but the purified oil.
               Unfortunately I had to be on clean up. So I had to clean the filters that were used and bring them back in so that they could re-use it. I also had to clean the buckets. THe best part about cleaning is that I didn't get as dirty as the people filtering.
               I learned that if you rush in this kind of process then the outcome will be two things: Failure and alot of messes.
              If I could change one thing about the project is that there would be three kinds of groups: 1st method purification, 2nd method purification and clean up.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hypthesis on How to Clean Oil, Materials, and Steps on How to Filter the Oil- Post #3

If I filter the oil using the cheese cloth, then any food paticles, in the oil, will be removed.

-Cheese Cloth
-Rubber Bands
-Paint Filter
-Hot Plates

Steps on How to filter Oils
Step 1- Gather all Oils that are to be used.
Step 2- Pour oil through funnel with a cheese cloth at the bottom. The cloth is a cloth that has wholes big enough for liquids to pass by, but not big enough for solid particles. A paint filter will be attatched to a bucket with a rubber band. The paint will filter any more solid particles.While the oil pours through the filter it will pour into a bucket.
Step 3- Once the bucket is filled with oil, place the oil onto a hot plate and the hot plate will heat the oil and it wil be completely filtered.
Step 4- Let the oil settle down and you have your oil.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Key points in Project and Recommended Oil Cleaning Method- Post #2

Key Points in Project:
        There are many Key Points in the project. The first point is collecting the used kitchen oil. Second
is to filter the oil to remove any solid particles. Thirdly is to perform titriation to determine how much catalyst is needed. Fourth is to prepare sodium methoxide. Next is to heat the used oil while mixing in the sodium methoxide. Afterward is to remove any glycerine and allow to settle. Finally is to check the quality of your biodiesel.

Recommended Oil CLeaning Method:
        First you have to gather al of your used oils. Remove all the solid food paticles by filtering it. Afterward you have to get the 15 liters of oil and put it into a 5 gallon jug. Then heat the oil at 100 degrees, while putting it in a steel pot on a camp stove. Then you have your purified oil.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Feelngs Toward Biodiesel Project- Post #1

In this experiment we will be making Biodiesel out of used, everyday kitchen oils. After creating the Biodiesel we will be filling a bus full of the biodiesel and let the bus drive.
We will first collect the oils. Afterwards we will be cleaning and purifying the oils. After cleaning the oils we will be making the biodiesel. When the biodiesel is finished we will be filling a bus full of the biodiesel and let the bus drive off.

When I first thought about the project I thought that it woud be extremely boring, but now  I think that this will be a very fun experience and it will help the enviornment as well.

I have many questions on the project like:
How long will it take?
How do we purify the oil?
How much oil do we need to make a bus run?
Will the bus run on the biodiesel?