Friday, April 29, 2011

Feelngs Toward Biodiesel Project- Post #1

In this experiment we will be making Biodiesel out of used, everyday kitchen oils. After creating the Biodiesel we will be filling a bus full of the biodiesel and let the bus drive.
We will first collect the oils. Afterwards we will be cleaning and purifying the oils. After cleaning the oils we will be making the biodiesel. When the biodiesel is finished we will be filling a bus full of the biodiesel and let the bus drive off.

When I first thought about the project I thought that it woud be extremely boring, but now  I think that this will be a very fun experience and it will help the enviornment as well.

I have many questions on the project like:
How long will it take?
How do we purify the oil?
How much oil do we need to make a bus run?
Will the bus run on the biodiesel?